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Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Some Christians join Singapore Muslims urging people to wear white this weekend as a protest sixth Pink Dot annual march organized by the gay activists.

Last year the parade was attended by 21,000 people and was held just a few months after the high court rejected the petition to Singapore law prohibiting gay sex amended.

Last week an Islamic religious teacher, Noor Derus, launched a WearWhite and urged Muslims to boycott Singapore Pink Dot parade  which is scheduled on Saturday.

They are also urged to wear white to pray at night, which is expected to be the first night of Ramadan this year.

Account Facebook campaign attracted more than 3,000 'Like'. They then draw support from leader of Baptist Faith Community Church, Lawrence Khong and LoveSingapore church network.

Khong then urged his followers to dress in white while attending an event at the church this weekend.

"This action is made in support of defending the government's official stance on the issue.We cannot accept homosexuality," said Khong

"We will continue to reject any promotion of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle," he added.

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