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Thursday, July 10, 2014


GAZA/JERUSALEM: Militants in Gaza fired more rockets at Tel Aviv on Wednesday, targeting Israel's heartland after Israeli attacks in the enclave that Palestinian officials said have killed at least 27 people.

No casualties were reported in the rocket barrages, on the second day of an intensified Israeli offensive in the Hamas-dominated Gaza Strip. Missiles from Israel's Iron Dome defence system shot into the sky to intercept the projectiles.

The rocket salvoes have sent people racing for bomb shelters, but businesses remained open in Israel, traffic flowed and the Tel Aviv stock exchange seemed to be unfazed, with shares opening higher.

In the Gaza Strip, residents were shaken overnight by the sound, every few minutes, of powerful explosions that sent up plumes of smoke.

At least 18 civilians, including five children, were among the 27 Palestinian dead since Israel stepped up its assault on Tuesday, and 150 people have been wounded, hospital officials said.

Israeli leaders, who seem to have wide popular support at home for the Gaza operation, have warned of a lengthy campaign and possible ground invasion of the heavily populated Palestinian territory. But questions were already been asked on radio talk shows about an exit strategy and when rocket fire would end.

At a sidewalk cafe on a fashionable avenue in Tel Aviv, Israel's most free-wheeling city and its commercial capital, patrons seemed to take Tuesday's air raid siren in stride, staying in line for their coffee as joggers and cyclists passed.

Gaza's busiest shopping street was largely deserted on Wednesday, although some convenience stores remained open.

"I am fine, as long as Tel Aviv is being hit, I am fine," said Abu Ahmed, 65, as he bought cigarettes.

The Israeli military said that overnight it attacked 118 concealed rocket launching sites, weapons storage facilities, 10 tunnels and 10 command and control positions

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